惡劣天氣下的交易安排 Severe Weather Trading Arrangement

為配合香港交易及結算所有限公司(「香港交易所」)實施之惡劣天氣交易的安排。元大商業銀行股份有限公司香港分行 (「本行」) 由 2024 年 9 月 23 日起對以下銀行服務作出相應調整。
To support the implementation of Severe Weather Trading (“SWT”) arrangements initiated by the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEX”). Yuanta Commercial Bank Co., Ltd, Hong Kong Branch (“The Bank”) will make following corresponding arrangements to below banking service with effect from 23 September 2024.

Paper cheques clearing service remains unavailable when severe weather remains for the whole day.

Cheques deposited before the cut-off time on the previous business day will be cleared and settled on the SWT day.

E-cheques deposited to The Bank on the SWT day will be cleared on next working day.

Other banking services on the SWT day will be closed and unavailable.

如有查詢,請聯絡閣下之客戶經理或致電本行(852) 2511 1719。
Should you have any enquiries, please contact your relationship manager or call us at (852) 2511 1719.

Severe weather refers to an issuance of Typhoon Signal No.8 or above, or a Black Rainstorm Warning by the Hong Kong Observatory, or an announcement of "Extreme Conditions" by the HKSAR Government.